Safeguarding & Child Protection

Reporting concerns

Safeguarding and protection is everybody’s responsibility and we all have the duty to report concerns, especially if they affect a child or vulnerable adult.

FIFA provides a confidential, dedicated, highly secure and web-based whistleblowing system so that individuals can report any safeguarding concern. Users can attach supporting documentation and create an anonymous postbox that allows them to correspond with FIFA without submitting personal information.

FIFA takes a zero-tolerance approach to such matters, and all issues raised will be handled in line with our statutory rules, codes of conduct and internal guidelines.

However, if you think a child or vulnerable adult in football may be at imminent risk that would need immediate urgent attention, please contact the relevant statutory protection agencies in your country.

Safeguarding concerns should be reported in the FIFA Reporting Portal by clicking the “Create Report” button.

You can report your concern to FIFA:

Last updated: Tuesday 4 October 2022 at 13:09