EPTS Testing Process

After a period of extensive research and consultation, FIFA has developed a Quality Programme for Electronic Performance Tracking Systems (EPTS). This programme has been developed as a method to quantify the accuracies of the various systems available.

Test Methods

The programme consists of two different tests, as outlined in the application guide.

1) Wearable Safety Test (FIFA Basic)

As per the Laws of the Game (Law 4, section 4), the FIFA Basic mark indicates that the system has been officially tested and meets the minimum safety requirements developed by FIFA and approved by The IFAB. Initially, only EPTS devices worn in the upper back area were applicable for the FIFA Basic mark. As of 2023, following approval by the IFAB, lower-limb wearable systems that have successfully gone through additional validation of the FIFA Innovation Programme can also receive the FIFA Basic mark.

Successful completion of the Wearable Safety Test is necessary for all wearable devices. As the test protocol is designed only to assess the impact of the devices, approval of the hardware does not constitute an endorsement of the quality of information generated by the device.

Completing this test alone enables a provider to apply for the FIFA Basic mark. Alternatively, for those wishing to analyse the accuracy of their data and receive the FIFA Quality standard, completion of this test is followed by the Performance Test (outlined in the section below).

2) Performance Standard Test (FIFA Quality)

The performance standard method of testing includes testing against two systems. The first system is a globally recognised gold standard for motion capture (Vicon), which is used for testing specific football movements in a 30x30m area. The second system used is the Vision Kit system developed by Victoria University, which utilises labour-intensive methods to track players over the full size of the pitch. Together, these ensure that the accuracy of the system can be assessed and that manufacturers have their systems prepared for a real-life game scenario.

This Test Manual is suitable for all types of EPTS including Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Local Positioning Systems (LPS) and Optical Tracking Systems (OTS). This document outlines the method for data collection, processing and analysis.


FIFA Quality Performance Reports

This programme has been developed as a method to quantify the accuracies of the various systems available. As with the other FIFA Quality Programmes, the aim is neither to promote specific products nor to interfere in the market and block innovation, but to describe – in a technical way – EPTS that are best suited for use in football. This programme will be iteratively improved and developed based on data-driven decisions in order to increase the quality of the output data over time.

In order to view the FIFA Quality Performance Reports for the certified systems, please click here. By listing the reports online, the intention is to provide the viewer with the most accurate information, indicating how the system has performed according to the various tests.

Last updated: Monday 18 September 2023 at 10:23