The information in this report is based on individual transaction data provided directly by football clubs in TMS. FIFA assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information provided by the clubs. With regard to any technical references included in this report, please be advised that in the event of any contradiction between this report and the actual text of the relevant regulations, the latter shall always prevail. Equally, this report may not alter existing jurisprudence of the competent decision-making bodies and is without prejudice to any decision that the said bodies might be called upon to pass in the future.
Due to the nature of the TMS database, the presence of pending transfers, the potential cancellation of transfers, and data corrections, numbers may differ from one report to another. In the event of any contradiction between this report and other publications by FIFA, the most recent shall always prevail.
Source of data and preparation of report
The source of all data and information (unless explicitly stated otherwise) is:
Legal & Compliance Division
Football Regulatory Subdivision
396 Alhambra Circle, 6th floor
Coral Gables, FL-33134