How to Become a Football Turf Licensee

The FIFA Quality Programme for Football Turf operates a licensing scheme for companies that are committed to quality football turf pitches and fulfil a set of stringent requirements. Only the companies operating under the FIFA Quality Programme are eligible to obtain certification for their football turf installations.

How to become a football turf licensee

The necessary information has to be entered in the application document together with the additional references. The FIFA-accredited test institute submits the lab and field test reports directly to FIFA.

FIFA will only grant a licence to a football turf manufacturer if the quality requirements are met. Applications can be submitted to at any time.

How to become a FIFA Preferred Provider

The FIFA Preferred Provider (FPP) initiative was introduced in 2009 in response to demand for higher quality, not only in the product itself but also in the installation process of football turf. The overall objective is to protect the interests of consumers when purchasing pitches and to ensure that football turf pitches meet the highest requirements with regard to quality, performance and safety.

Benefits for the end consumer

Through regular reporting to FIFA and by meeting all requirements, Preferred Providers prove to FIFA that they are committed to quality. Therefore, the benefits for the end consumer are that the FIFA Preferred Providers:

  • take full responsibility for the entire installation process;

  • have in-house capacities for civil engineering and maintenance;

  • are obliged to provide the end consumer with additional information about the product and the installation procedure.

The requirements for a FIFA Preferred Provider are divided into eligibility criteria and application criteria. An applicant can only become a FIFA Preferred Provider if it fulfils both sets of criteria.

How a field is certified

To be awarded one of the FIFA quality marks, an artificial turf system has to be successfully tested in the laboratory and on the field.

  • Step 1: testing the product in the laboratory

  • Step 2: testing the final installation

  • Maintenance as a basis for long-term quality

Last updated: Thursday 25 April 2024 at 09:32