Media Release

Fédération Internationale de Football Association

FIFA Strasse 20, P.O Box 8044 Zurich, Switzerland, +41 (0) 43 222 7777

Friday 17 January 2025, 17:00

Adjudicatory chamber of the Ethics Committee sanctions former and incumbent football officials

The adjudicatory chamber of the independent Ethics Committee has sanctioned three individuals as a result of their conduct whilst serving in football as follows:

  • The President of the Panamanian Football Association, Manuel Arias Corco, has been banned from taking part in any football-related activity for six months and ordered to pay a fine of CHF 10,000 for breaches of article 24 paragraphs 1 and 2 (Protection of physical and mental integrity) of the FIFA Code of Ethics following his derogatory comments regarding players of the national team.

  • The former Secretary General of the Venezuelan Football Association (FVF), Manuel Álvarez, has been banned from taking part in any football-related activity for five years and ordered to pay a fine of USD 993,603.93 for breaches of articles 29 (Misappropriation and misuse of funds), 16 (Duty of loyalty) and 14 (General duties) of the FIFA Code of Ethics following actions, omissions, lack of care, mismanagement and negligence in the performance of his duties that enabled the misappropriation and misuse of FVF’s and FIFA’s funds.

  • The former President of the Equatorial Guinean Football Association (FEGUIFUT), Gustavo Ndong, has been banned from taking part in any football-related activity for three years and ordered to pay a fine of CHF 10,000 for breaches of articles 14 (General duties), 16 (Duty of loyalty), 20 (Conflicts of interest), 21 (Offering and accepting gifts or other benefits) and 26 (Abuse of position) of the FIFA Code of Ethics following his approval and acceptance of undue pecuniary advantages whilst serving as the President of the FEGUIFUT

The above decisions were taken following separate proceedings and upon careful analysis of both the evidence provided before the adjudicatory chamber and the evidence collected during the investigations conducted by the investigatory chamber.