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Tuesday 19 September 2023, 13:00

FIFA publishes Football Tribunal Report 2022/2023

  • All-time high of 18,353 cases, applications and enquiries received

  • The Football Tribunal is part of FIFA’s ongoing commitment towards modernising the football regulatory framework and the FIFA dispute resolution system

  • Report highlights a series of landmark achievements and regulatory changes

FIFA has today published the second edition of the Football Tribunal Report, which covers the period from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the Football Tribunal’s activities as well as those of the FIFA Players’ Status Department, which is part of the FIFA Legal & Compliance Division and acts as a secretariat to the Football Tribunal. During the period in question, the department received a record number of 18,353 cases, applications and enquiries, compared to 14,540 in the 2021/2022 period, with 2022/2023 representing a new all-time high for the Players’ Status Department. The Football Tribunal, which is composed of three chambers: the Players’ Status Chamber, the Dispute Resolution Chamber and the Agents Chamber, was implemented on 1 October 2021 to consolidate the existing FIFA decision-making bodies into a single umbrella body. As Emilio Garcia Silvero, FIFA Chief Legal and Compliance officer has iterated: “FIFA will continue to modernise its regulatory framework and dispute resolution system in line with its vision for 2020-2023 in order to further facilitate and streamline all proceedings before the decision making and judicial bodies, while maintaining the highest level of quality, transparency and traceability for all football stakeholders.” In this context, since 1 May 2023, all proceedings before the Football Tribunal outside the FIFA Transfer Matching system are exclusively initiated and conducted through the FIFA Legal Portal which was launched a year earlier. The portal is a modern online platform that enables football stakeholders and legal representatives to lodge a claim and follow the relevant proceedings before the Football Tribunal in a fully digital, user-friendly environment. The Football Tribunal Report 2022/2023 is available here and at