Football Technology & Innovation hosted the annual FIFA Quality Programme Conference & Research Symposium on 18 and 19 October at Home of FIFA
Speakers included representatives from academia, technology providers and many more leaders in the sport technology and research space
Topics such as “Emerging Trends in Football Data Science”; "How the Connected Ball is Impacting the Game", and the opportunities and challenges of advancing technology in women's football were on the agenda
FIFA hosted its annual Quality Programme Conference and Research Symposium which acts as a gathering and information point for stakeholders in the football industry on 18 and 19 October. Professionals and experts from technology providers, test institutes, academia, federations, leagues and football clubs come together to engage in impactful discussions and contribute to the development of the sport. The FIFA Quality Programme offered attendees the opportunity to receive updates on the programme and stay informed about the latest standards and developments in football. The Research Symposium focused on sharing the latest football-related research, aiming to enhance the sport by democratizing technology and using it to create a safer environment and make it more accessible to all. “The FQP conference is a great way to stay up to date with the latest developments in football innovation and technology, and a fantastic opportunity to meet and engage leading experts in football technology from both academia and industry. Working in the Member Associations division, it enables me to identify, discuss, and evaluate concepts which may become services and solutions for our Member Associations at a later stage. This is particularly true when looking at many technologies which have first been tested in FIFA competitions by the FTI sub-division and are now becoming more and more accessible for everyone,” said Hans Thies, Member Associations Development Solutions Service Manager at FIFA. Through panel discussions, workshops, presentations, and interactive sessions, participants had the chance to share their knowledge, present research findings, and address emerging challenges faced by the football community. It is an event which aims to inspire, promote best practices, and shape the future of football by facilitating collaboration and knowledge exchange among industry stakeholders.
“The FQP conference is a valuable platform that facilitates connections among diverse football industry stakeholders from football tech providers to clubs and member associations. This provides a unique networking opportunity that fosters high-impacting research collaborations with a shared vision of improving the game on a global scale,” said Jade Haycraft, Research Fellow, Victoria University. The opening day on October 18th offered a process of Innovation Demonstration, a chance to try out, touch, feel, and experience the latest technologies and developments in football innovation. The following day was an opportunity to discuss influential and trending themes such as: "Emerging Trends in Football Data Science", "Empowering Football Through Tech: Safety and Progress" and our 'E Poster Presentation' – where key findings and global football research projects were showcased. “The FQP conference and Research Symposium not only provided excellent networking opportunities but also offered a unique and enriching learning experience. Personally, engaging in discussions with these experts broadened my perspectives and deepened my understanding, especially in the realm of women's research. I am eager to apply this newfound knowledge, foster new and existing relationships to challenge the status quo in women's sport”, said Jana Hubel, Sport Scientist at Kinexon.
FIFA Quality Programme Conference & FIFA Research Symposium at the Home of FIFA
The Research Symposium was used to review the Topical Collection on Football Research that was completed this year ahead of the FIFA Women’s World Cup as well as launch the new edition Topical Collection of Football Research II. The collection aims to increase awareness of the ongoing research and development that is contributing to new technologies being used in football. Researchers involved in football research are invited to submit research articles, technical notes or reviews.