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Wednesday 29 August 2018, 07:23

Situation of the Uruguayan Football Association

On 21 August 2018, the Bureau of the FIFA Council decided to appoint, with immediate effect, a normalisation committee for the Uruguayan Football Association (AUF). The committee’s mandate, which will end on 28 February 2019, includes the following tasks:

  • To run the AUF’s daily affairs;

  • To review the AUF statutes and ensure their compliance and amendment in line with the requirements of FIFA’s and CONMEBOL’s statutes;

  • Once the AUF statutes meet the requirements of FIFA’s and CONMEBOL’s statutes, to organise and conduct elections of a new AUF executive committee on the basis of the new, revised AUF statutes;

  • The normalisation committee will act as an electoral committee, whose decisions will be final and binding and whose members will not be eligible to run for any vacant positions.

In this regard, a FIFA and CONMEBOL delegation recently visited Uruguay to select the persons who will sit on the normalisation committee. We are therefore pleased to announce that the normalisation committee, which will be officially confirmed by the Bureau of the FIFA Council today, will consist of the following persons:

  • Juan Pedro Bordaberry, chairman of the committee

  • Andrés Scotti Ponce de León

  • Armando Castaingdebat (currently out of the country)

Over the course of the next 72 hours, other persons may also be appointed to the committee if FIFA and CONMEBOL deem it necessary. These persons would also be appointed immediately and would take up the mandate and set about the work to be accomplished.

FIFA and CONMEBOL, in turn, have decided to set up a consultative committee of three members to assist the normalisation committee with its day-to-day work and its key tasks in order to help the members of the normalisation committee to successfully complete the mandate established by the Bureau of the FIFA Council. This consultative committee will consist of the following members:

  • Fernando Goldie

  • Eduardo Ache

  • Ignacio Alonso

The main objective for FIFA, CONMEBOL and the normalisation committee is the approval of statutes, which will lay down essential values that will be extremely positive for the future of Uruguayan football, such as, for example:

  • Improved operational, institutional and commercial transparency

  • The participation of women in football

  • The development of women’s football

  • A clear separation of powers

  • Inclusion of all relevant football stakeholders in Uruguay

In this regard, the normalisation committee – as its name suggests – will work to normalise the above-mentioned aspects of the AUF and has no intention of interfering with the activities and institutional functions of the AUF or football in Uruguay.

We have no doubt that the administrative, sporting and financial continuity of the AUF is assured.

The normalisation committee will be open to discussions with all relevant stakeholders of Uruguayan football. Furthermore, any other football stakeholder or governmental authority that wishes to participate and collaborate in this process will be more than welcome as we believe that everyone is extremely important in this structure and mission, which will be for the benefit of Uruguayan football in its entirety.