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Wednesday 22 August 2018, 09:43

Normalisation committee appointed for Uruguayan FA

The Bureau of the FIFA Council decided on 21 August 2018 to appoint a normalisation committee for the Uruguayan Football Association (AUF) in accordance with art. 14 par. 1(a) and art. 8 par. 2 of the FIFA Statutes.

This decision follows the latest developments in the situation of the AUF, particularly the fact that the electoral process for the position of AUF President is not in accordance with the requirements of transparency as outlined in the FIFA and CONMEBOL statutes.

The mandate of the normalisation committee will end on 28 February 2019 and includes the following tasks:

  • To run the AUF’s daily affairs;

  • To review the AUF statutes and ensure their compliance and amendment in line with the requirements of FIFA’s and CONMEBOL’s statutes, and;

  • Once the AUF statutes meet the requirements of FIFA’s and COMEBOL’s statutes, to organise and conduct elections of a new AUF executive committee on the basis of the new, revised AUF statutes.