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Media Release

Fédération Internationale de Football Association

FIFA Strasse 20, P.O Box 8044 Zurich, Switzerland, +41 (0) 43 222 7777

Friday 19 January 2018, 22:17

Normalisation committee appointed for the Kuwait FA

The Bureau of the FIFA Council has decided, on 18 January 2018, to appoint a normalisation committee for the Kuwait Football Association (KFA) in accordance with article 8 paragraph 2 of the FIFA Statutes.

Following the lifting of the suspension of the KFA on 5 December 2017 as a consequence of the adoption of a new Kuwaiti sports law, a FlFA/AFC mission went to Kuwait in order to assess the KFA’s situation. As a number of decisions in relation to the KFA statutes and leadership had been taken by the KFA general assembly at a time when the former Kuwaiti Sports Iaw was still in force, it was decided to appoint a normalisation committee for the KFA with the following mandate:

·        To run the KFA's daily affairs;

·        To review the KFA statutes and ensure their compliance and amendment fall in line with the requirements of FIFA’s and the AFC's statutes;

·        To organise and conduct elections of a new KFA board of directors on the basis of the new, revised KFA statutes, which should take place no later than 20 May 2018.

The normalisation committee will be composed of an adequate number of members to be identified by a joint FlFA/AFC mission to take place soon. All members of the normalisation committee must pass an eligibility check to be carried out by the FIFA Review Committee. The normalisation committee will act as an electoral committee and none of its members will be eligible for any of the open positions in the elections.