FIFA Futsal World Cup Uzbekistan 2024™

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Live streams, match highlights, exclusives and more!
Thursday 07 February 2019, 15:00

Meet the Legends Squad!

  • 23 stars of the game make up the Legends Squad

  • Squad of superheroes aim to promote women’s football

  • Official hashtags: #LegendsAssemble & #DareToShine

The ability to fly, use X-ray vision and teleportation, or even be indestructible—who hasn’t dreamt at least once about possessing some sort of superpower?

Well, 23 stars of the beautiful game have today revealed their superhero alter egos and corresponding superpowers as part of the #LegendsAssemble group, which has been tasked with a very important mission.

Cognizant that all power comes with great responsibility, they have joined forces and abilities to support the women’s game and make sure everyone knows about the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019™, which kicks off on 7 June in France.

This very special Legends Squad is made up of 13 women and ten men native to 20 of the 24 countries that will take part in the French extravaganza, and every last one of them are keen for their mission to begin.

In the months leading up to the World Cup, they will participate in nearly 100 events around the world, including the Trophy Tour. During the tournament itself, they will continue to use their superpowers to promote and advance women’s football.

"Who hasn’t dreamt of being a superhero?" asks Alex Scott. The former England international is 'Trail Blazer', a superhero endowed with genius intelligence. "I'm excited about #LegendsAssemble, because my alter ego has just one goal, and that is to empower girls and women and encourage them to play football."

Accompanying Scott on this grand adventure will be Legends such as world champions Marcel Desailly and Aya Miyama, as well as the likes of Vero Boquete, Esteban Cambiasso and Tim Cahill.

Very soon we will learn more about their personal stories and superpowers in a series of videos in which the Legends explain why they decided to become flagbearers for women’s football.

Join in at #LegendsAssemble, support women’s football and make the France 2019 official slogan #DaretoShine your own!