The square in front of Paris’ City Hall provided the venue for the launch of the FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019™ Volunteer Programme on the afternoon of Monday 28 May. In a little over a year’s time, on 7 June 2019 to be exact, the French capital will play host to the tournament’s Opening Match, a game in which the hosts will be taking part. As well as urging Les Bleues on, the whole of France will also be hoping the competition is a success, not least the tournament volunteers, who will have a crucial role to play behind the scenes.
Attending the programme launch was Brigitte Henriques, deputy vice-president of the French Football Federation (FFF) and vice-president of the Local Organising Committee (LOC), and Jean-François Martins, deputy sports director at Paris City Council. A number of events were laid on as part of the launch, giving the public a sneak preview of the World Cup, while also providing detailed information on the role to be played by volunteers.
A total of 2,500 volunteers – 350 of them based in Paris – will support the LOC and FIFA at the competition, which will run from 7 June to 7 July 2019 in nine Host Cities (Grenoble, Le Havre, Lyon, Montpellier, Nice, Paris, Reims, Rennes and Valenciennes).
A unique experience
“Joining the ranks of the volunteers is a wonderful way of playing an active part in this great event and enjoying a unique experience,” said FFF and LOC President Noel Le Graet. “The French have always responded extremely well when it comes to volunteering, and the strength of their commitment is a credit to our country. Nothing would be possible without them, especially in the world of football. I am convinced that this opportunity to work towards the success of the first Women’s World Cup to be held in France will attract a large number of volunteers and that the programme will be a great success.”
The volunteers will each perform one of 40 missions in 14 different areas, such as ticketing, marketing and hospitality. The only requirements are that they are aged 18 or over on 1 March 2019 and are motivated and available on matchdays and training days.
Become a volunteer
So you want to be a volunteer? Then head HERE to find out all the information and make your application.