FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup 2024™

Live streams, match highlights, exclusives and more!
Live streams, match highlights, exclusives and more!
Thursday 31 May 2018, 06:17


Programme Highlights

Programme Schedule


How to get there

Driving Directions & Parking*

Obey traffic and law enforcement as you approach the FIFA Fan Fest. Traffic restrictions can be expected in the following streets:

  • ulitsa Tkachey (улице Ткачей)

  • from ulitsa Furmanova (улицы Фурманова ) to ulitsa Vostochnoy (улицы Восточной) along ulitsa Vostochnoy (улице Восточной)

  • from ulitsa Tkachey (улицы Ткачей) to ulitsa Bol'shakova (улицы Большакова)

See below for directions to specific public parking lots. Follow the operating hours of the public parking lots. The ability of leaving a car overnight is not provided. From public parking lots, shuttle busses will depart regularly to and from the FIFA Fan Fest. Parking lots are free of charge. There a no restrictions for different types of vehicles.

Public Parking “IEC Ekaterinburg-EXPO”

  • Address: Ekaterinburg, Expo Boulevard, 2 (use for navigation system)

  • Situated south east of Ekaterinburg near Yekad (ЕКАД)

  • Accessible via Ekaterinburg/Koltsovo highway (Екатеринбург — а/п Кольцово highway)

Public Parking “Botanicheskaya metro station”

  • Address: Metro Station Botanicheskaya (Ботаническая)

  • Situated in front of the shopping centre Dirizhabl' (Дирижабль)

  • Accessible via Yuliusa Fuchika (Юлиуса Фучика) and Akademika Shvartsa (Академика Шварца)

VIP Parking (P2)

  • Direct vicinity to the FIFA Fan Fest

  • Accessible with invitation to the hospitality

  • Information is subject to change.

Public Transportation (Shuttle, Bus, Metro)*

The nearest metro station to the FIFA Fans Fest is the Botanicheskaya (Ботаническая) metro station. Take the free shuttle No. 4FP from public parking space at the metro to the FIFA Fan Fest. Multiple transport options are available serving the FIFA Fan Fest.

Locations serviced by regular tram routes:

From Central Park of Culture and Recreation (Tsentral'nyy park kul'tury i otdykha)

  • ​No. 3 direction VIZ (ВИЗ)

  • No. 6 direction Mashinostroiteley (Машиностроителей)

  • No. 9 direction Keramicheskaya (Керамическая)

  • No. 10 direction 7 klyuchey (7 ключей)

  • No. 20 direction Shartash (Шарташ)

  • No. 21 direction Volgogradskaya (Волгоградская)

  • No. 33 direction Dvorets sporta (Дворец спорта)

Locations serviced by regular bus routes:

  • No. 1 Zheleznodorozhnyy vokzal – Stantsiya Kol'tsovo (Железнодорожный вокзал – Станция «Кольцово)

  • No. 2 Botanicheskaya – Radiokolledzh (Ботаническая – Радиоколледж)

  • No. 19 Poliklinika – metro Ploshchad' 1905 goda (Поликлиника – метро Площадь 1905 года)

  • No. 18 P.Shamanova – UrFU (П.Шаманова – УрФУ)

  • No. 31 Zheleznodorozhnyy vokzal – Traktovaya (Железнодорожный вокзал – Трактовая)

  • No. 32 Dramteatr - Mikrorayon Kompressornyy (Драмтеатр - Микрорайон Компрессорный)

  • No. 45 Poselok Istok – Vostochnaya avtostantsiya (Поселок Исток – Восточная автостанция)

  • No. 64 Mikrorayon Kompressornyy – Poselok Michurinskiy (Микрорайон Компрессорный – Поселок Мичуринский)

  • No. 76 Zoologicheskaya – Siniye kamni (Зоологическая – Синие камни)

Locations serviced by regular trolleybuses routes:

  • No. 1 Khimmash – Zheleznodorozhnyy vokzal (Химмаш – Железнодорожный вокзал)

  • No. 5 Kommunisticheskaya – Central Park of Culture and Recreation (Коммунистическая – ЦПКиО)

  • No. 9 Zheleznodorozhnyy vokzal - Tabachnaya fabrika Al'vis (Железнодорожный вокзал - Табачная фабрика Альвис)

  • No. 11 Nachdiva Onufriyeva – Gostinitsa Sverdlovsk (Начдива Онуфриева – Гостиница Свердловск)

  • No. 14 Akademgorodok-Dekabristov (Академгородок-Декабристов)

  • No. 15 Botanicheskaya - gostinitsa Sverdlvosk (Ботаническая - гостиница Свердлвоск)

  • No. 20 Botanicheskaya – Akademicheskaya (Ботаническая – Академическая)

Event Shuttles

Event shuttles free of charge are exclusively organised for the period of the FIFA World Cup™ to serve the FIFA Fan Fest.

Locations serviced by bus shuttles:

No. 1AFS Airport – FIFA Fan Fest – City Centre – Stadium

  • Depart from Airport Square

  • Operating Times: June 14th, 20th 23rd, 26th 06:00 – 00:00; June 15th, 16th, 21th, 22nd, 24th, 25th, 27th, 28th 00:00 – 24:00

Route No. 3FP IEC Ekaterinburg EXPO – FIFA Fan Fest

  • Depart at the corner ulitsa Vostochnaya/ulitsa Tkachej (улица Восточная/Ткачей)

  • Operating times (note the local schedule)

  • No Service on June 29, July 4 – 5 and July 7 – 13

Route No. 4FP Metro Station Botanicheskaya – FIFA Fan Fest

  • Depart near the shopping centre Dirizhabl' (Дирижабль)

  • This route will service several stops along the way

  • Operating times (note the local schedule)

  • No Service on June 29, July 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13

Route No. 3BFC FIFA Fan Fest – City Centre

  • Depart at the corner ulitsa Vostochnaya/ulitsa Tkachej (улица Восточная/Ткачей)

  • This route will service several stops along the way

  • Operating times (note the local schedule)

  • No Service on June 29, July 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13

Locations serviced by tram shuttles:

Route No. 3TFC Stadium – FIFA Fan Fest

  • Depart from stadium

  • This route will service several stops along the way

  • Operating Times: June 15, 21, 24 15:00 – 02:00; June 27 17:00 – 02:00

Depart directly from FIFA Fan Fest (Routes No. 1BF – 6BF (bus), Routes No. 1TF - 4TF (tram). All routes will service several stops along the way.

Operating times (note the local schedule)

  • Route No. 1BF FIFA Fan Fest – Kunarskaya (Кунарская)

  • Route No. 2BF FIFA Fan Fest – Kommunisticheskaya (Коммунистическая)

  • Route No. 3BF FIFA Fan Fest – Pavel Shamanova (Павла Шаманова)

  • Route No. 4BF FIFA Fan Fest – Kraulya 8 Крауля)

  • Route No. 5BF FIFA Fan Fest - 40-letiya VLKSM (40-летия ВЛКСМ)

  • Route No. 6BF FIFA Fan Fest – Inzhenernaya (Инженерная)

  • Route No. 1TF FIFA Fan Fest – 7 klyuchey (Семь ключей )

  • Route No. 2TF FIFA Fan Fest – Frezerovshchikov (Фрезеровщиков)

  • Route No. 3TF FIFA Fan Fest – Volgogradskaya (Волгоградская)

  • Route No. 4TF FIFA Fan Fest – Shartash (Шарташ)

Drop-off & Pick-up*

Drop-off is located at Ulitsa Vostochnaya 35 (Восточная, 35).

Due to traffic restrictions, taxis can only get to the drop-off in 500m distance to the FIFA Fan Fest (5 minutes walking distance).


Special busses with several stops along the way will be made available for disabled guests. From the public parking lot at Metro Station Botanicheskaya (Ботаническая) the Route No. 4FP will depart near the shopping centre Dirizhabl’ (Дирижабль).

A separate parking lot located at P1 in direct proximity to the FIFA Fan Fest. Visitors will need a verified permit and a corresponding sign displayed at the vehicle. The address to use in the navigation systems for accessing special parking for people with disabilities is ul. Michurina Nr. 230 (ул. Мичурина д. 230 ).

Additional transportation from P1 is not provided. There will be accessible viewing areas near the hospitality area accessible through the public area of the FIFA Fan Fest.

Service Information*

Lost & Found

Lost something at the FIFA Fan Fest? Visit the Lost & Found at the FIFA Fan Fest located at the information desk opposite to the main entrance at G1. Note the hours or operation below.


Be prepared and keep your stuff protected. 170 lockers are made available free of charge. The lockers are located near the two entrances. Note the hours or operation below.

Child Registration

Do you want to be on the safe side? Get your child registered and receive a registration bracelet that identifies your child with the ability to enter the contact phone number of one of the parents. The child registration is located in the children's play area. On busy days, volunteers will provide information and issue registration bracelets at the entrances. The service is free of charge. Note the hours or operation below.

Information Desk

An information desk is located opposite to the main entrance at G1. The staff will provide you with useful information regarding the programme as well as information about infrastructure, transportation and other services provided at the FIFA Fan Fest.

Hours of Operation for Information Desk, Child Registration, Lockers and Lost & Found:

  • June 14th 17:00-23:00

  • June 15th 15:00-01:00

  • June 16th 13:00-23:00

  • June 17th-24th 15:00-01:00

  • June 25th-28th 17:00-01:00

  • June 29th rest day (no service)

  • June 30th 17:00-01:00

  • July 1st-3rd 17:00-01:00

  • July 4th-5th rest days

  • July 6th-7th 17:00-01:00

  • July 8th 15:00-23:00

  • July 9th rest day (no service)

  • July 10th-11th 21:00 – 01:00

  • July 12th-13th rest days (no service)

  • July 14th 17:00-21:00

  • July 15th 17:00-23:00

*Information is subject to change

Prohibited items (see below)

Fan Fest Forbidden items

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