Friday 11 May 2018, 16:51


  • Founded in: 1723

  • Population: 1.4 million

  • Distance to Moscow: 1755 km

Uniquely located on the geographical borderline of Europe and Asia, and at the foot of the Ural Mountains, Ekaterinburg has a population of 1.4 million.

The city was founded by a decree of Peter I the Great.

Ekaterinburg is the fourth largest city in Russia in terms of population, and is one of twelve Russian cities with a population of over a million.

During the 18th century, the city became known as Russia’s iron making centre, and it is now a modern city with world-class infrastructure that includes an efficient metro system and an excellent airport.

The city is also one of Russia’s most well-known centres for the arts and one of Russia’s leading sports centres. Ekaterinburg has the third largest number of diplomatic missions in the country (after Moscow and St Petersburg).