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Friday 14 December 2018, 14:15

FIFA Master approaches its 20th year

  • FIFA Master course coming up for its 20th anniversary

  • Over 500 alumni now working in global sport business

  • Apply by 11 January 2019 to be part of the next chapter

The FIFA Master - International Master in Management, Law and Humanities of Sport - which is organised by the Centre International d’Etude du Sport (CIES) in partnership with De Montfort University (United Kingdom), SDA Bocconi School of Management (Italy) and the University of Neuchatel (Switzerland), has been ranked the No1 course in Europe by SportBusiness International an unprecedented six times.

The course was created in 2000 to promote management education within the sports world and has now firmly established itself as one of the most respected in international sport business education, developing all-round managers who can cope with the increasingly complex world of sport.

The programme combines classroom based academic theory with industry networking opportunities and knowledge gathered during an extensive field visit programme. Argentinian/Italian national Jair Emanuel Bertoni who is currently Director of Member Associations Americas at FIFA and a graduate from the 5th edition of the FIFA Master said: “Visiting many sporting organisations and receiving lectures from sports experts provided me with a broad understanding of the different elements that strategically structure the actions and policies of the sports industry. This practical experience was also expertly complemented with the theory provided by the professors in each university.”

In addition to a rich academic teaching, the course also benefits from an extremely active Alumni Association (FMA) which is formed of over 500 alumni now working in global sport business. As AFC Legal Counsel and 16th edition FIFA Master graduate Namrata Chatterjee from India noted: “Above all, the FIFA Master connected me to alumni from all across the globe who have always been very approachable. Even when I first joined the AFC, the head of my unit at the time was a FIFA Master alumnus who gave me invaluable guidance.”

“The structure of the FIFA Master with its split of Humanities of Sport, Management and Law is very helpful. These modules give FIFA Master students the opportunity to develop and extend knowledge in different areas, and also provides a great base for the diverse range of jobs available in the sports industry”, said German 14th edition graduate, Lena Schoeps, who now works for the Mercedes Formula 1 Team as a Hospitality and Events Executive.

The FIFA Master now approaches its 20th anniversary year. If you would like to join the next chapter of this adventure in September 2019, you can apply now via the CIES website at The deadline for your application to be considered is Friday 11 January 2019.