As part of the constant effort to modernize and provide efficient service to parties and stakeholders, FIFA has recently included the possibility to solve the parties’ disputes through mediation. This alternative dispute resolution mechanism allows the parties to put an end to their controversies with the assistance of a mediator in a swift and efficient manner.
On 25 March 2022, took place the first mediation workshop, which included the attendance of FIFA Administration and all the newly appointed mediators, as a first step for the successful implementation of mediation within the proceedings of the Football Tribunal.
FIFA wishes to thank the vast number of applicants who have shown interest in joining the list mediators and congratulate the mediators selected. The list of FIFA-approved mediators is composed of the following members:
Beverley A. Agbakoba-Onyejianya | United Kingdom |
Malek Badri | Tunisia |
Joost Batelaan | The Netherlands |
Jeffrey Benz | USA |
Carol Couse | United Kingdom |
Judy Daniel | Trinidad and Tobago |
Roberto de Palma Barracco | Brazil |
Enrico Errol Angeles | Philippines |
Paul Godin | Canada |
Luis Manuel Gomez Naranjo | Venezuela |
Joshua A. Gordon | USA |
Mehdi Guennoun | Morocco |
Jorge Ibarrola | Switzerland |
José E. Jozami | Argentina |
Hans E. Lorenz | Germany |
Francisco Rubio Sánchez | Spain |
Marisa Santana | Spain |
Jitten Singh | Fiji |
Jacqueline Waihenya | Kenya |