Women's Football Campaign programme

Application Process

Criteria to apply

  • Have a women’s football strategy and/or a member association strategy with women’s football objectives

  • Assign one person to be responsible for the implementation of the project together with FIFA

  • Submit a complete application with clear objectives, accompanied by:

    • details on how the project is linked to the member association’s women’s football strategy, objectives or projects (youth league, senior competitions, school league, World Cup campaigns)

    • a communication plan at local level for the roll-out of the campaign

    • an overview of the design concept for branding material

    • proposed ambassadors

All applicants need to submit an application form, together with documents confirming that they meet the criteria, to developmentprogramme@fifa.org.

If you have any questions regarding the Women's Football Campaign programme, please do not hesitate to contact the FIFA Women's Football Division at developmentprogramme@fifa.org.

Last updated: Wednesday 23 August 2023 at 16:38