Women in Football Leadership

Application Process

Criteria to apply

The programme is open to women who hold one of the following positions:

  • member association executive board member, or prospective board member with voting rights, and/or

  • member association general secretary or deputy general secretary, and/or

  • member association director reporting directly to the general secretary, and/or

  • CEO or executive board member of an affiliated club, league or player association

Submit the application form, accompanied by:

  • curriculum vitae

  • motivation letter

  • declaration form

Application will open only end of 2023, beginning of 2024 and circular letter will be sent to MAs. For each edition of this programme, FIFA will make a separate call for applications via a circular letter to all member associations.

All applicants need to submit an application form, together with documents confirming that they meet the criteria, to developmentprogramme@fifa.org.

If you have any questions regarding the Women in Football Leadership programme, please do not hesitate to contact the FIFA Women's Football Division at developmentproramme@fifa.org.

Last updated: Wednesday 23 August 2023 at 17:27